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NAMM Foundation 2019 Music Advocacy Fly-In


Join Five Star Guitars and Improve Music Education

Jeremie and Geoff attended this year's Advocacy Fly-in in Washington, D.C. They traveled to the Capitol with other industry leaders to advocate for music education funding in the classroom. This is an ongoing effort that we at Five Star Guitars are passionate about, so this page will be updated as new resources and events become available.

Blog Posts:

The Fly-In Message

For Parents of Little Ones 

Is There a "Music Center" in the Brain?

In the News:

Positively Entertainment. This is a short article about Geoff and Jeremie and the Fly-In, printed in the June 12, 2019 edition: Click here to read the article.

Portland Business Journal. This is an article we wrote about the NAMM DC Fly-In. Click here to read the article.


The NAMM Foundation, an extension of the NAMM organization, puts on the Music Advocacy Fly-In each year. They have a ton of free resources, a podcast, and many ways to get involved. You can find their web site here:

The Best Communities for Music Education Award (BCME) award is a community recognition award, given to communities that surround their schools and districts with music opportunities. Last year, 3 districts in Oregon won this award:

Learn about Title IV, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Because we know you love reading legal documents and federal laws...this is the federal law that we reference when we talk about funding music and the arts:

With photos and a recap of previous Fly-In events and information on our next Fly-In, here's a link to the NAMM Foundation Music Advocacy Fly-In that we attend in Washington, D.C.: